Mark Kramer

520 SW Sixth Avenue
Cascade Building #1010
Portland, Oregon 97204

Is Mediation Right For Me?

If you are open to communciation and compromise, and looking for a more peaceful and amicable resolution of your legal issues, then mediation is right for you.

Mediation is less adversarial and more collaborative than court proceedings, and it can help preserve relationships between the parties in your dispute. Additionally, the parties have more control over the outcome in mediation, as opposed to a judge deciding for them in court. Statistically, 90% of disputes that go to mediation with both parties' agreement, are resolved without the need of a contested hearing or trial in a court.

However, mediation may not be suitable for all disputes. If the parties are unwilling to negotiate or if the dispute involves issues such as domestic violence or restraining orders, it may be more appropriate to use the court with an attorney.

Parties often come to mediation with varying strengths and weaknesses.    A good mediator can help you understand and present your issues to address any power imbalance. While mediation is very often successful, the traditional process of lawyers and the courts always remain available.


Mediate to Success
520 SW Sixth Avenue
Cascade Building #1010
Portland, Oregon 97204
503.274.4774 (f)